What is the SAS Booster Club?
We are a group of volunteers that help support the current and future athletic programs of St Anne School. The school is committed to building strong and successful athletes, but we need your help!
How can I help?
Join the Booster Club
Volunteer for our cookouts and spirit nights
Volunteer at games in concessions, admission, and scorer’s table
Boost school spirit
Donate funds (tax deductible)
Become a sponsor
The fees to participate in each sport cover the cost of referees, operating expenses, and league fees. The Booster Club is needed to generate funds to pay for new uniforms, equipment, and transportation.
What will the Booster Club help pay for this year?
Rental of additional Gym
New Uniforms
New Soccer Balls, Volleyballs, & Basketballs
What are our future athletic needs?
New Uniforms
Expansion of Sport Teams
New Athletic Equipment