Daily Prayer
Turning our minds and hearts to God is how we start each day at St. Anne Catholic School. Students and teachers gather in assembly for the Morning Prayer which is conducted like Liturgy of the Hours, adapted for children and/or teens. Throughout the day, students will pray together in the classroom, before and after lunch, as well as privately during “Peace Be Still.” Students learn and engage Catholic prayers at age- appropriate levels.
St. Anne Catholic School prepares the students for the reception of the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. This makes second grade a special time for our students as they learn the true meaning of forgiveness and repentance. Students are invited to receive the sacrament of confession at any time, but there are scheduled times as well. Teachers prepare students for confession through an examination of conscience. Students are required to engage in outside faith formation for Confirmation, however, their years at St. Anne provides an incredible foundation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Liturgical Celebrations
As a Catholic Community, we celebrate the feasts and liturgical seasons as followed by the universal Church through prayer, processions, and festivities. Our students embrace the opportunity to be actively involved in learning and leading the school at these special times.
My God, I offer up to Thee My soul and heart, Think own to be; And all I do or hear or say And all my work and play. Our preschool children learn that they are special because God made them this way. They learn the sign of the cross and traditional Catholic prayers that they will share with classmates all their days at St. Anne School. Each preschool class celebrates the end of the school year singing many special Bible songs during a ceremony for their parents and families.
Our K5 students experience Bible Stories throughout the school year. They suit up in their “Armor of God” (Ephesians 6:10-18) and march in to Morning Prayer singing songs and teaching others to “put their trust in God.”
With the help of their fifth grade buddy, our first grade students research and present in costume their “Feast Day” Saint, a special program for All Saints Day. Our first grade students also minister a special service for the Crowning of the Blessed Mother in May.
Second grade is a special time for our students to learn the true meaning of forgiveness and repentance, as they prepare for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. To celebrate this sacred event, the students sing a special Sunflower song during Morning Prayer.
Praying the Rosary is a beloved Catholic custom that links the gospel and prayer. Our students often pray the Rosary in class, but during Catholic Schools Week our third grade students lead a special service. Our third grade students also participate in the Christmas pageant, serving as a chorus for the fourth grade Christmas play.
During Advent, we prepare for the coming of Christ by sharing in the custom lighting the Advent wreath. The week before our students are dismissed for Christmas break, our school celebrates the birth of Christ through a performance by our fourth grade students. The music and art department work collaboratively to prepare for this special evening honoring the Nativity story.
Fifth grade is a year of leadership for our students as they are preparing for middle school. The fifth grade students guide their first grade mass buddies through the study of the Saints, as they prepare for the special All Saints Day celebration. During Holy Week, our fifth grade students lead a service honoring the Stations of the Cross.
As you stroll the halls of St. Anne Catholic School, you will appreciate the beautiful murals displayed. These murals are traditionally created by the individual gifts and talents of our sixth grade class. The students participate in a contest to choose a sacred theme. Once the theme is chosen, each 6th grade student is given the opportunity to participate in painting the final mural.
At St. Anne Catholic School, we respect Holy Week as a solemn and sorrowful time. Activities and lessons are planned by the Seventh Grade Class with the guidance of our Clergy and Religion teacher. A lesson is presented each day during Morning Prayer, so that our student body can experience the Passion of Christ.
Eighth grade is a time for our students to serve as spiritual leaders for the school. It is a privilege for our oldest students to serve as mass buddies for our youngest. Throughout the year, they spend sacred time teaching them how to behave in mass, playing games together, and developing a special bond. Several retreats are planned throughout the year to allow time for both prayer and reflection as these students prepare for their next journey in life. The Eighth Grade Students work with our second grade class to make an individual commemorative rosary for First Holy Communion.
By the time our students reach High School, they learn to take the lead with liturgical celebrations and feast days. During Advent and Holy Week the High School Campus Ministry Team plans services and or projects to focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. They will help lead mass or a prayer service in Spanish for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The High School Retreat Team works with our younger students to help them grow in faith and virtue as they learn to interact with each other in loving ways.
Weekly Mass
Weekly Mass is a time for our students to focus on Reverence, Respect, and Responsibility as they wear their formal uniform to enter God’s House. One of the most sacred experiences at St. Anne School is the opportunity for each grade (beginning in grade 2) to plan and minister this weekly mass. Our K3-2nd grade students are paired with an older grade who serves as “
Buddies.” Mass Buddies spend time together throughout the school year, and sit together each week at mass. All are invited to join our school family each Wednesday morning as our entire student body celebrates the Gospel as brothers and sisters.