As an institution of the Catholic Church, St. Anne School is ever mindful of our Lord’s admonition, “as you did it to the one of the least of these brethren, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:4). Therefore, the school strongly encourages the students to live out the demands of their faith in works of mercy, and charity. As disciples of Christ, our students participate in catechetical experiences outside the classroom through community service. Even the youngest St. Anne students show compassion and empathy toward the burdens of others and learn about their community and its needs. The National Honor Society is responsible for organizing most of our school service projects, pursuing their mission to “Let us Lead by Serving Others.” Each middle school House adopts a charity for the year, and is responsible for organizing at least one service project. Many of our projects align with feast days and liturgical celebrations including annual canned food drives, toy drives for Christmas, and Easter baskets. As a strong Catholic community we try to help those who find themselves in need such as raising money for victims of natural disaster and sending shoes to children in Africa who walk barefoot to school every day to receive an education. High School students are required to complete 10 hours of service each year- total of 40 hours by graduation.
Some specific service projects include:
Fifth grade students make sandwiches each week for the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen
Annual Thanksgiving luncheon to support the Pilgrims’ Inn
Canned food drives to stock the pantry of our local St. Vincent de Paul
Middle School House Service Day to support the Men’s Haven Shelter, The Pilgrim’s Inn, St. Vincent De Paul, and the Children’s Attention Home
“Technology Tutoring” for senior parishioners
Girl Up Club – support girls in other countries where they don’t have a voice
NUTS (No Uniform To School Days to support various charities
Lemonade sale done for the school and proceeds donated to the St. Vincent DePaul poor box
K5 & K4 Penny Prayer Project-daily prayer “In God WeTrust” for specific intentions and saving pennies during the 40 days of Lent. Money is donated to the St. Vincent de Paul poor box in church.